
If you would like to find out how you can get creative or have any questions then contact us by phone or by email at

Or just turn up!! You will find us praying and worshipping God from 9:30-10:00am on Friday mornings. This is followed by quiet prayer times from 10-10:30. We have Creative spaces on Thursdays and Fridays where you basically show up and make something!!, that’s 10:30-12:30 and after from lunch 1:30-3pm in the Wharfside Centre shop (Address below!)

Or contact us by sending us a message on the form below and we’ll get back to you!

On Saturdays we have some creative time from 10-12 then we have what we call ‘the Gathering’ where we come together to discuss the art that has been created and the ideas behind it and explore the fortnight’s theme a little deeper before having some worship, prayer and cake!! Everyone welcome!!

Communication is important to us and we will make sure that when you contact us that we will get back in touch with you as soon as we can. You are always welcome at Breathe when we are open, either to use the prayer room, receive prayer, or even just to chat or hang out with us…. Or to get on with your artistic theme, either along the lines of our current theme or with your own topic…

Please feel free to check out our blog posts here